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HERUG 2017

HERUG2017 Day 5, Amsterdam, 13 April 2017

Last month (April 2017) I had the pleasure to attend the Higher Education & Research User Group (HERUG) conference in Amsterdam.

I was also an presenter at two sessions. On Tuesday I was presenting together with Pieter-Jan Aartsen of the UvA about the project we did with the implementation of the IMR.
Partly this has been described in this blog.

On Wednesday I had the pleasure to be presenting together with Masood Nazir of the UvA about the project we did concerning the implementation of the evaluation reports.

Both of the presentations can be downloaded from the Herug site: Developing management dashboards for University of Amsterdam and Quality evaluation reports with SAP Design Studio.

I also visited some interesting sessions myself and got in touch with useful contacts.

To conclude: It was a very interesting conference.