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Tangible benefits of a good datawarehouse – part 2


he benefits of a datawarehouse are not easily quantifiable. Therefore I like to point them out when there is an opportunity, see also Tangible benefits of a good datawarehouse.

Last week the UvA received a positive quality assessment of the NVAO (the accreditation organization tasked with providing an expert and objective assessment of the quality of higher education in the Netherlands and Flanders).

In their review, the committee expressed its admiration for the way in which the UvA monitors its quality assurance using UvAData (the datawarehouse) and UvAQ (which reports are also build and distributed using the datawarehouse). For the full press release, click here.

With this positive quality assessment, the UvA saves a lot of time and effort that otherwise needs to be spend in order to thoroughly asses every program individually.

In conclusion: A good datawarehouse saves time and effort and has good business value.